Friday, February 4, 2011

Why didn't we do this 2 years ago?!

One day last week I came home motivated to rearrange the furniture in our living room.

When we first moved into our house, the tv went in the hole above the fireplace (on a shelf we made). Then David built the bonus room, and the tv moved upstairs. Since then, our furniture has stayed arranged the same way because... well, we haven't really thought about moving it. Obviously we originally arranged it around tv watching, but since that isn't important anymore there are plenty more options (even in our small room)!

So, voila! We LOVE the new arrangement, and it took about 2.5 minutes to make it work. It may not look awesome, but it is totally more functional than it was before, we can actually use our ottoman as an ottoman and the room feels waaaaay bigger which is a huge plus.

Harley likes it too.

1 comment:

Sell House Fast said...

this is a nice renovation. Good thing you have thought about it. It was so nice to see that both of you that are doing this good job.