Thursday, October 14, 2010

weekend in Ctown

Last weekend I had the rare opportunity to spend time alone with my parents! I don't think I have done that since high school, and it was so so so nice. People always say you begin to appreciate your parents more as your grow up, and that has certainly been true for me lately. I had been looking forward to our time together so much, and it did not disappoint!

One of the reasons for my visit was for my mom to host and Initials, Inc. party Saturday! It was SO fun and quite successful too! It was great to see a lot of sweet friends and meet some of my mom's friends. I've really been LOVING selling Initials, Inc. lately and I'm excited to have lots of parties between now and December 11 (the deadline to get Christmas orders in). Let me know if you want to host a party or order something :)

Harley stayed home with David (who had a fun-filled "man" weekend without me), but of course Bella got lots of good snuggle time in!

My parents have been busy little bees lately. In the past two months they have done so much work on their house and it looks amazing. I took lots of pictures that I won't show here because my brother doesn't know most of what they've done :). Here is a teaser pic though...
Gorgeous hardwood floors in the downstairs! Man they look good, and my parents have worked really hard with the guy who did them.

Lastly, other than cleaning, moving furniture and organizing stuff at my parents' house, we went to the other McKellar girl wedding. I could not believe I was actually at Laura McKellar's wedding, but it was beautiful and so fun to be there.
After looking through the pictures from Katie's wedding, it looks like mom wore the same dress to both :).

Uncle Greg and his brother bought traditional Scottish attire when they researched their heritage a few years back. The kilt is actually the official "McKellar" plaid, and Laura wanted them both to wear it to the wedding. Uncle Greg (in addition to sky diving and motorcycle riding) plays the bagpipes. In a band. His instructor was part of the ceremony and another guy from the band was the DJ. He wore a kilt too.
Laura looked like a princess!
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Dierdorf

best friends
The whole fraternity gang again!
Love my pretty momma!

I left the wedding shortly after the ceremony so I could drive back to Chatty, and I was actually a little bummed to leave my parents. We had a great time together, and I can't wait for our next chance to do that!

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