Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Last weekend, we had so much fun with our dear friend Jordan and his girlfriend Emily. They came from Lexington for the weekend, and they couldn't have picked a better time to visit. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, and Chattanooga was fun of fun activities for us to enjoy.

Friday, David took Jordan & Emily to the Baylor/McCallie game while I was home with my book club (more about that later). Baylor won the game, and they had a good time (so I'm told). Saturday was so fun. We started out at the Rock City Enchanted Maize, which was mostly fun because the weather and company were so enjoyable (ironically, last time Jordan was here, we did the Rock City Enchanted Lights).

Later that evening, we made our way to Coolidge Park to hang out. It was SUCH a gorgeous night, and we had a blast relaxing in the park. Also, as part of the River Rocks festival, they set up hot air balloons all across the park. They intended to put on a show, but it was super windy and the plans changed. Regardless, we loved watching them go up, and we were plenty entertained by the sights.

We LOVED getting to see Jordan (aka "Sally"... it's a long story), because it isn't often enough that we're all together. We also LOVED getting to meet and know his sweet Emily. They are a precious couple, and we can't wait for them to come back!!

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