Friday, November 20, 2009


1. Whenever David's Monday night class has gotten out early (which has happened several times this semester), we have met at Amigos for taco night. This was the case Monday night. I had been trying to get a lot of work done around the house, so when he called I wasn't thinking very clearly. I hurriedly put the dog up and ran out of the house. While I was stopped at a stop light (about 3 blocks from Amigos), the man in the car next to me frantically got my attention. I [nervously] rolled down my window only to hear him say "You have about 25 feet of rope hanging from the back of your car- and the car behind you is parked on it!!".
At one point in my evening I was working on things outside, so we use this rope to tie the dog to a tree - or in this case- to the hitch on the Trailblazer. In my haste to meet David, I apparently forgot to untie it. At least I untied the dog.

2. Last night David and I divided and conquered to maximize our evening. We were getting the house ready for the Earleys to come (yay! they're here!) and hoping to make it to D's boss's sons's soccer game. He ran to the grocery while I cleaned at home. He called me after a little while to tell me he had forgotten his wallet in his car (he drove the Tblaze to the grocery, but he typically drives the Accord), and I needed to bring it to him. I was annoyed, but got myself together to leave. I quickly called him back and said, "It's going to be hard for me to get there without my keys. They are in my purse in the Tblaze!" Ugh! So, we were both annoyed because we realized that meant David would have to come home and get his wallet.
Or not.
MY purse and wallet was in the Trailblazer! With David!
Fortunately he figured it out before he made it all the way home, and we had a hearty laugh about our foolishness.

3. Later that evening (on our way to the soccer game- house clean and groceries put away), David checked in with the Earleys on the road and told Matt that wallet-in-the-wrong-car story. We were still laughing about it (kind of a lot), but Matt didn't react. You know when you don't realize the person on the other end of the call has been disconnected so you just keep on talking? Yep, that happened. We were both hysterical, and Matt didn't even hear the story! It made it that much better :).

On a different note, we watched Javier's son Raul play on the Normal Park soccer team last night, and it was so fun! Despite it being pretty cold and Normal Park losing the game, seeing the look on Raul's face when he realized we were there to watch him was TOTALLY worth it! Javier was equally excited, I think!


Becca said...
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Rebecca Cash said...

haha :-) Just made my night! P.S. that was my comment I removed because it had me signed in through my gmail, and as Rebecca. I wanted to post so you would know who it was lol.

mom said...

Loved the wallet story! Also the dog story. You're lucky they believed that you had not started out with a dog attached!

PSIrwin said...

i almost just peed I was laughing so hard.