Thursday, July 23, 2009

sorry I've been boring

... I am terrible at coming up with witty blog titles. I mean, I know my blog isn't full of witty banter as it is, but at least the titles should be good! I'm sorry for failing you, blog land. I'll try to be better!

Monday night I had dinner with Mary Shelton at a new restaurant in town, The Terminal Brewhouse. When they opened a few months ago David was still working for Gordon Biersch and they were seen as competitors so we felt bad checking it out, but no longer! It was fabulous. I had a chicken sandwich with brie and sliced pears on it! mmm... I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. Not to mention, my time with MS was so great. I love that girl like she's my own sister and love watching her learn new things and mature. She's awesome. Oh, and speaking of the Bryants- they closed on their brand new [to them] LAKE HOUSE yesterday! Yep, a lake house. Obviously I'm thrilled for them, but [and probably also obviously] David and I are pretty excited selfishly too :). They've given us an open invitation, and we're planning on enjoying it with them! We're starting this weekend when we take Hannah & Sara out for the day.

Tuesday David got out of class early so we were able to get a lot of stuff done! I've been trying to get a lot cleaned, cooked and organized so there's plenty to do. Several things that have gotten accomplished this week so far: made and jarred blueberry jam, made brownies, my special rice crispie treats, and 7-layer bean dip (that I really hope doesn't spoil before Saturday...), sewed some button holes & fabric covered buttons onto the pillows upstairs (I can't wait to show you a picture, they look SO cute. but I've only done one pillow, so the reveal will have to wait), done about 4 loads of laundry and made some pencil holders.

Last night was a lot of fun helping Sarah get packed for her big move (into her new house with her husband!). I seriously think I have a sickness. I love organizing/cleaning out other people's stuff. Love. It. We got a ton accomplished in a mere 2 hours, and I think Sarah felt better about the next couple of weeks because she could see an end in sight.

And now, things to look forward to:
  • Tomorrow is Friday. Amen.
  • Hannah & Sara coming tomorrow
  • A day on the lake Saturday
  • Next week is David's last of 4 nights of class! Then he has finals (2 tests, a paper and a presentation. yuck) and a week off! Woo hoo! This time next year he'll be done!
  • August is just around the corner, and is full of lots of fun occasions: our 1st anniversary, David's birthday, my birthday and Ashley's birthday!

Happy Thursday, everyone!

1 comment:

PSIrwin said...

ooo..the FruFru sandwich.
I've had it.