We are loving our home and our neighborhood more and more each day. In the evenings when it starts to cool off, we leave the door to the screened porch open so the breeze blows into the house and Harley plays inside and outside without a fuss. It's fabulous!
We've been going on lots of walks/runs lately. The weather (when it hasn't been raining) has been warm and perfect for being outside! We have a pretty routine route that we take, and it always cracks me up that Harley knows the way. Our neighborhood is perfect for taking walks - though a little hilly, which makes for a good workout. There is one street that I particularly
love. It is completely shaded and is always cool and damp and smells like honeysuckle.

Forgive the cell phone picture.
Yesterday we went on two walks. Even though we had taken our usual run (shortly after I got home from work), it was too nice of a night to sit inside! We headed out again later for a leisurely jaunt around the block, which was lovely.
Like I mentioned, we are loving our neighborhood more and more. Every day I see people I haven't met before and am learning folks names. Older neighbors sit on their porches and wave to the passers by, kids swing from their tire swings in the front yard (it's not quite as picturesque as it sounds... it's a little red), people plant in their gardens and play with their dogs. In fact, we live in DOG CITY, folks. Between our two walks last night, we saw
13 different dogs. 13! I need to count the number of people who run or walk past our house on a given night, but it is definitely in the double digits. I love that we are in a city that innately has such an emphasis on being outdoors!
Change of weekend plans: Andy AND Sharon are coming tonight! Thank goodness for multiple rooms with guest beds! We are SO excited to spend time with two of our favorite friends!!