Monday, August 6, 2012


As usual, I'm quite behind on le blog... I've been busy loving on a certain smooshy almost-six-month-old, and I'm not sorry :)

So, via cell phone pics of course, here are a few things that have been going on in our neck of the woods lately (and this will be followed up by several more catch up posts!).

I made a cake to celebrate our small group guys' recent accomplishments! Greg passed his Leadership License test, Sam passed his PMP test, Chad completed his CNA course and David closed on his first house as a realtor! I'm pretty proud of our great friends.

Pretty crummy picture (sorry, guys), but David's soccer team played in the league championship game again. Unfortunately, this time they came up short, but it was a fun season none-the-less.

Fam pic after soccer

Crawford and sweet Larkin- future best buddies

My friend Kate from Samford lives in Chattanooga too, and her little Cooper was born 9 days after Crawford. They came over for a play date and it was SO fun to see the littles interacting!

The Linhosses went all out for the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics! Max came dressed as his favorite athlete (Michael Phelps), and Sam brought the official torch he carried for the '96 games! He's basically a celebrity.

I made some Olympic-themed treats (popcorn torches, anyone?) and we watched the... sub-par ceremonies. 

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