Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Now that Crawford is six months old, we've decided (with our pediatrician's blessing) to attempt Baby Led Weaning. This isn't a new concept by any means, but it is new to us! When talking about feeding C, the pediatrician (before I even asked about BLW) said "we do things the way we do them not because they are the only right way, just because it's the way they've always been done". Sooo... we're going to try to skip the puree stage, and go straight to feeding Crawford whole, table foods. Our goals are: 1) eat better as a family (more fresh produce) and 2) help Crawford learn to be a well-rounded, healthy eater (unlike his mom).

After a few pretty failed attempts at rice cereal, we dove right in and gave Crawford steamed baby carrots. Y'all, he loved it! He didn't ingest very much (though I did find some evidence in his diaper that he ate some), but he does a great job holding and chewing/sucking on the carrot. We can tell that he is really enjoying being in his high chair with us at meals, and it is SO sweet watching him explore food.

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