Wednesday, July 18, 2012

don't apologize

Lately I've been struggling with guilt about my new life. I feel guilty especially for getting to stay home with Crawford full-time. This is something I've dreamt of doing my entire life, and David and I made saving for it a priority since we got married. Even still, I feel guilty.

Kevin Bryant told me recently (in a pretty stern voice), "Do not apologize for God's blessings." I've been noodling on that sentiment for a few weeks now, and the Lord has really used it in my own life and to minister to others. I think the devil uses our guilt as a tool to steal our joy and God's glory in times of celebration. The guilt I feel is just a ploy to distract me from the truth of this verse I recently read while studying the book of James:

"Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise." James 5:13b

Praise the Lord that in seasons of blessing, we should receive those blessings with open arms, give the glory to God and sing praise!

1 comment:

SarahKL said...

Love this! Such a good reminder.