Monday, June 18, 2012

[four months]

One month:
Height- 20in
Weight- 8 lbs. 9 oz.

Two months:
Height- 23in
Weight- 11 lbs.

Three months:
Height- 23.5ish in.
Weight- 12 lbs.

Four months:
Height- 24 1/4 in. (25%)
Weight- 12 lbs. 11 oz. (10%)

Crawford, at four months old you...
  • go to the church nursery every week. This is probably a bigger accomplishment for your mommy than you though :)
  • have taken a bottle from Aunt Duck and Wai-Po. Both times we needed to leave you with them for a while, so we were counting on a successful bottle feeding, and you didn't disappoint. 

  • had your first non-family-member babysitter: Mrs. Cook! It was so nice of her to keep you while I had a dentist appointment!
  • take your paci out and sometimes put it back in (I think it's coincidence when that happens, but it's a joyous occasion, nonetheless)
  • ROLL over! You definitely can do it, but you don't very often. And you're so close to rolling from back to front.

  • are showing an increasing interest in Harley. He can keep you entertained for a while.
  • love to be vertical. The jumperoo, exersaucer and bumbo are our friends. You still love to stand.
  • are a SOUND sleeper. I typically vacuum your room while you're taking a nap. Hallelujah!

  • aren't being swaddled anymore. You kept breaking your arms out of it, so we just stopped cold turkey. Instead, now you sleep in a sleep sack and it is so cute. Obviously, you love to sleep with your arms above you head and with a lovey.
  • LOVE your loveys! We have snowman, a monkey and a bunny that are all in constant use. You snuggle right up with them and I have to keep a close eye on you to make sure you don't shove it in your mouth (but usually the paci is in it so I'm not too concerned).
  • still sleep in our room. Sigh... I think I'm ready to move you upstairs in the next week. We'll see. 

  • had a bit of a sleep regression last week, but you quickly leveled out back onto your awesome pattern (bed around 8:30, sleep until 6ish, eat and go back to sleep until usually around 8. One morning you slept until 9:40 though!). Even during the regression, you were still sleeping for 8 hours before getting up so I can't really complain.
  • have had your first sickness. I took you to the doctor (actually ON your 4 month birthday) and you had a viral infection, which just threw you totally out of whack. Of course that was just in time for Mary Shelton's wedding weekend, so the very first time we had a sick baby we had to leave you with babysitters. Fortunately, they were Grandy, Wai-Po, Aunt Duck and Uncle Bill! I was SOOOO thankful they were here to take such good care of you!
  • aren't so sure about naps... Some days you nap like a rockstar (2+ hour morning and afternoon naps) other days we get decent naps (1 hour in the morning, 2 in the afternoon), other days you and I have words over your nap rebellion.
  • have a wide range of emotions. Evidence:

  • fake cough (as you see in the video). You do it a ton.
  • are a little fella. We're going back to the doctor next week for a weight check just to make sure you're growing well.
  • are a total joy. We love you, buddy!

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