Wednesday, May 9, 2012

what Crawford has been up to lately...

Via phone pictures, of course. And by lately, I mean "in the last month or so"

Going on walks (this was one of the freak cold days in April)- with Camille and Collette!


Going to Grandparents/Special Friends Day at Baylor with HayHay

Chewing on those fingers and being all-around CUTE

Playing with friends- new baby Larkin, Jodi and Ella, bff Paula

Getting out of the house so realtors can show it. (This is actually a funny story... the realtor called and wanted to come early, but we had just put C down for a nap. Not wanting to miss an opportunity to sell our house, we agreed. I picked Crawford up, swaddled and sound asleep, walked around the neighborhood for 20+ minutes in the blazing heat, and got him back home and in his bed- without waking him up! He seriously is a champ sleeper.)

Showing off your adorable clothes! (obviously another freak cool weather day) Thanks, Becca!

Going to see Grace in a play at Baylor. You were so good until I realized we were crazy to think you could sit through something so long... You chilled in your car seat for the first third, I held you off to the side for the second third, and we took you home after that :)

Wearing cute jammies with motorcycles on them (thanks, Mrs. Gail!)

1 comment:

Sara said...

Your little man is so cute!