Wednesday, May 16, 2012

[three months]

One month:
Height- 20in
Weight- 8 lbs. 9 oz.

Two months:
Height- 23in
Weight- 11 lbs.

Three months:
Height- 24ish in.
Weight- 12 lbs.

Crawford, at three months old you...

  • wake up smiling
  • don't care if your diaper is wet or dirty (such a boy!)
  • don't like getting hot, but love to be outside
  • go to bed about 9 and sleep for 8-10 hours, eat early in the morning (usually between 5:30-6:30) and sleep another couple of hours
  • like listening to music (we play a lot of Veggie Tales, Hymns and lullabies)
  • still sleep in the pack and play in our room, but will hopefully move to yours after we are finished having company for a while
  • have taken to daytime naps (in your crib)!

  • smile so big when we make faces or silly noises at you
  • mimic us sticking our tongues out
  • love "reading" books

  • are uninterested in rolling over
  • enjoy having a lovey to hold on to and snuggle with
  • fall asleep in your stroller
  • are wearing mostly 3mo or 3-6 month stuff
  • love to stand 

  • are a snuggler
  •  have quite an array of awesome facial expressions (like these:)

Other miscellaneous 3 month info...
We aren't sure what color your eyes will be yet. Sometimes they look very blue, and other days they appear to be turning brown.

We had an unscheduled doctor's visit one day this month when I found blood in your poop. I was worried about some kind of protein intolerance, but it turned out to be a tiny fissure in your booty. It never bothered you, and never happened again.

When we told people we were going to name you Crawford the response we heard a lot was "What will you call him?" and "what will his nickname be?" (which, I think, are two ridiculous questions...). Now that you're here, you have tons of nicknames! Obviously, we call you Crawford, but some nicknames that have emerged are Buster Brown (Ashley), smoochers (me), bub/bubs/bubby/bubba (me), C-man (David doesn't like it, but it comes out sometimes), Crawdaddy, Crawf (Greg), Swafford (Chad), and the best one- Sweet Son (David- he says it with an oriental accent and says it is what he would be called if he were a Chinese dish). 

Crawford is in a pretty regular daytime routine. I can't say schedule just yet, but we're in a routine. He still doesn't have a set wake up time, but we're headed in that direction. Every night is still slightly different, so that's the catch on the morning time. He goes down for a morning nap about 1-1.5 hours after he wakes up, and he sleeps for about an hour. Then, he takes a bit of a cat nap mid-day (sometimes in the car seat, bouncy seat or swing) and a good 2.5ish hour nap in the afternoons. He usually catches an evening nap around 7pm for 30ish minutes before going to bed around 9pm. He's napping in his own crib, and he seems to enjoy it just fine. He's nursing every 3-3.5 hours and still doing a great job.

We're praying through this (found it on Pinterest, but it is ironically written by David's pastor from home!) each night, and loving thinking about what God has in store for our little boy.

I hate to even say this because it is so passe', but time is FLYING by. How is this little munchkin already 3 months old? Whew. He is a total joy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh man, I can't wait to tell Chad that his silly nickname got a shout out on the blog today! - Paula