Friday, May 11, 2012

Thoughts on a Friday

This has been such a nice week. It has been different than the last few because I was home a lot! I've been working on getting Crawford in some sort of daytime nap routine, and that requires us to be home. I quickly realized my selfishness in wanting to always be out and about, hanging with friends and doing my own thing (with my baby, of course). I know there's a balance I need to find. I want C to be flexible and easy to take along (and he so is right now!), but I also want to be meeting his needs each step along the way. I'm still getting used to my new normal, and I really LOVED this week at home with Crawford. We did lots of snuggling, talking, reading books, making faces and wiggling around (you can guess who was doing which...). I'm trying to slow down and enjoy this season every day. Some days it's hard, and sometimes it's boring (for me and him, I'm afraid). But at the end of every day, I am overwhelmed with my love for him and by God's love for me and David that he would bless us so abundantly.

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