Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hayden time

Saturday night we had a slumber party with Hayden, just for fun! 
We let her in on a secret project- their family's Christmas present! And yes, it is still a secret. I'm not worried about them finding out because they rarely read my blog (Claire- no telling!!).

My parents gave David a corn hole set for his birthday last year, and we have loved it. We decided it would be best utilized at the lake house, so that's where it has lived this whole time. When thinking about a gift that the entire Bryant family would enjoy, we nearly gave up because it was impossible.

Until... we thought about a personalized corn hole set! Lynn is a die-hard University of Tennessee alum and fan and Kevin is the same way with the University of Alabama. The boys side with their dad and Alabama, and the girls (most of the time) claim to be UT fans. So, I found a good deal on a pre-made set online (we considered making them ourselves, but decided that time is money :)) and ordered them right away! We bought a plain white set so we could personalize them to fit their family.

I started working on them first thing Saturday morning. We were going to leave one board white (for UT) and paint the other one grey (with leftover paint from the bonus room) (for Alabama).

When we got home with Hayden later that night, she helped cut out and assemble the stencils (this awesome website made that process super easy), and we got to work!

our cute helper/buddy


It really was a simple project that was SO worth the extra bit of work. We aren't doing many gifts this year (none for my family, none for each other, a few for David's fam and close friends), but this one is my absolute favorite of the year. I hope they LOVE it too!

Later that night we watched Heavy Weights (which Hayden had never seen... I felt so old) and started on another Christmas craft project. Whenever the Bryant kids are with us we do craft projects, and Hayden always has the most fun with it. I'll show more picture of this one if when it is finished... it's a doozy.

Sunday morning we were scheduled to volunteer with Creating Christmas Memories, so we skipped church. David and Hayden, however, were up bright and early studying for HayHay's math exam this week (the only caveat for her to be able to spend the night). I love this picture! A of all) David and Hayden have a precious relationship, B of all) we have hardly used our heater since it got cold because our fireplace ROCKS. If we are home and awake, it is on.

After attempting to volunteer (short story: the volunteer line was a 2-hour wait... after enduring about 45 minutes of it, we calculated that we wouldn't have time to get all the way through and get Hayden to soccer practice on time, so we left...), we ran some errands and took H to practice- in the snow! Don't worry, her practice was indoors. We loved our time with just Hay. We rarely get this girl alone, and it's so fun to have her around.

1 comment:

Claire said...