Monday, November 22, 2010

100 things

I've been in a weird mood lately.

All I want to do is clean out and organize.

I want to simplify our lives and our stuff.

So, inspired by YHL's goal to get rid of 100 things, I jumped on the bandwagon. I figured, if they can get rid of 100 things... surely I could get rid of like, 1,000. But, I tempered my enthusiasm with some practicality and decided to start at 100.

Friday I had a wisdom tooth removed, so I decided to spend my drugged-up weekend doing some purging. Poor David probably anticipated a low-key weekend (since I was expected to be laid out on the couch for several days), but I bounded out of bed Saturday morning rearin' to clean out the garage!

And, clean out we did!

Ok, so my piles aren't nearly as impressive as Sherry & John's, but trust me- we got rid of more than 100 things and we didn't even venture into the attic! The books have already been taken to McKays, but most of the other stuff is still in mounds in the garage.

Phase 2: get rid of "to get rid of" stuff.

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