Wednesday, June 12, 2013

halfway there!

I can't believe I am now more than halfway finished with my pregnancy with Lawson.

**Ooops. I started this post a whole three weeks ago. Back when I was 20 weeks and halfway pregnant. Oh well. Here's the up-to-date update on me and baby Lawson.

19 weeks

He is very active and very low, just like Crawford was at this point. He's in the breech position, not that it matters for delivery yet, but it means I'm feeling his kicking suuuper low.

When I went to the doctor around 18 weeks I weighed 1 pound less than I did at the first appointment of this pregnancy, but now (at 23 weeks) I have made up for the loss! My doctor said he wanted me to gain a good bit before my next appointment, and he was not disappointed. I've gained 10 total pounds.

21 weeks

21.5 weeks

My nose is extra runny, which David reminded me was the case when I was pregnant with C too. I had forgotten.

I've had some really bad tailbone and back pain... I've started stretching a few times a day, and as simple as that sounds it really does seem to help. Also, Tylenol. I'm usually not one to take much medicine, but for a few weeks I couldn't sleep AT ALL without popping a couple Tylenol PMs. And, one day I accidentally took a PM instead of a regular Tylenol- at lunchtime. I may or may not have fallen asleep on the living room floor before nap time.

I'm having tons of Braxton Hicks contractions. I started noticing them pretty early this time around, and now they are strong! They have lessened as my back pain has, so that's a good thing.

Cravings: ice cold water, ice cold fruit, nutty bars (don't judge), peanut butter and honey sandwiches (seriously. don't judge.)

22 weeks

23 weeks. Awesome play room shot.

I know I'm going to blink my eyes and it will be October and time to meet our new little boy. It's crazy how quickly this is going!

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