Sunday, May 12, 2013

family fun days

I'm not going to lie. I love David being unemployed. Because we aren't stressed about money (the Werner house closes this week! yay!) and he has several opportunities in the works, we are just LOVING the time we have together as a family. The weather has mostly been amazing, so we've taken advantage of our chance to be outside and do fun things.

Playing like a red neck in the front yard... lots of exploring, a little bit of playing and an equal amount of crying.

Snack time at Green Life

Playing at a just-Crawford-sized playground at a park near our house. He was mostly interested in picking (and eating) flowers/weeds.

One of his favorite activities at our house = taking each item out of this drawer in our bathroom and redistributing them. One in the bathtub, one in the laundry hamper, one in the cabinet, etc... It's a scavenger hunt to find my makeup!

Sweetest little sugary face eating a donut at the Chattanooga Market, our favorite Sunday outing

Grandma Cathy gave him this tunnel for his birthday and he finally loves it!

Day trip to Fall Creek Falls state park! So much fun! 
Crawford has to have something up against his face to fall asleep. Usually it is one of his loveys, but any stuffed animal will suffice.

We took advantage of the Lookouts having a day time game! He wasn't so interested in the actual baseball playing (I mean really, who is?) but he loved watching people and eating his raisins.

Gorgeous evening in Coolidge Park! I ate a snow cone, Crawford and David played with a soccer ball. He's actually getting impressively good at kicking and passing a ball (Crawford, not David).

This kid keeps us laughing! He is so much fun!

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