Crawford, at fifteen+ months old, you:
- only call three people by name: Grandy- "Babu", Daddy "Daddeeeee" and Collette "Lett"
- say "Mama" all the time, but mean "human nearby, please help me"
- blow kisses
- say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze! By far my favorite thing that you do! Polite already! You're amazing, kid.
- kick balls
- pick flowers (and most of the time don't eat them! progress!)
- play peek-a-boo
- love to hide
- sign please and thank you and more (just in time to learn to talk proficiently...)
- say a whole bunch of words: water, boat, baby (the CUTEST word!), brother (sort of), bubbles, hat - and you're obsessed. If anyone nearby has a had on you point at them and say "hat! hat!", bathroom, phone, vacuum (you love the vacuum - you also call the lawn mower the vacuum), bird, duck, hot, yucky, bread, bye bye, hi!, poo poo, spoon, thank you (only sometimes, and it only sounds like "thank you" to me and daddy). I'm probably missing some, but you're a talker for sure!
- have grown a bunch! I can't wait to see how big you are when we go to the doctor next.
- have 9 teeth
- are generally a very jolly little man. We love you, bud.