Monday, October 15, 2012

[eight months]

**Our computer is sadly still out of commission. Please pray they can fix it and we don't loose everything on our hard drive (which is currently a possibility...). In the meantime, here's a placeholder 8 month post.

Weight- 17lbs, 7oz
Height- 27ish inches

Crawford, at eight months you...

- have two teeth! They still aren't in all the way, but they are definitely here. You're wearing an amber necklace to help with your teething pain, and it seems to be working.
- had your first airplane flight(s), and you were a great passenger!
- make the cutest squinchy nose face all the time.
- have started pitching tantrums when you don't get your way. It makes me so sad to see you sinful nature, and it has really burdened me and daddy to pray for your heart!
- sleep through the night (7:30p-7:30a) pretty regularly, but not every single night.
- have started preferring Mommy over other people. It warms the cockels of my heart!
- have shown a bit of stranger shyness from time to time.
- do lots of hollerin'. Mostly because you're happy, but occasionally because you aren't.
- are obsessed with yogurt. Even when I put the nasty vitamin drops in it you still scarf it up.
- take 2-3 naps a day. You really need a 2 hour morning nap, but you almost always wake up after 1 hour then play in your crib for the second hour.That makes you tired again really quickly, hence the 3 naps.
- all of a sudden hate getting in your car seat. As much as I don't want to, we're thinking about switching you to a convertible seat soon... You'd be way happier if you could sit up more.
- get scared by loud noises sometimes. At Hayden's soccer game everyone started cheering and you freaked out.
- blow raspberries all.the.time. I thought all kids did this, but people comment on it everywhere we go. You even change pitch while you're doing it, so I hope that means you'll have a musical talent :)
- are the grabbiest little thing!! You want to touch everything!
- have had your first wedding-party experience. Yep, you were officially the ring bearer in Aunt Duck's wedding. The flower girl pulled you down the aisle in a wagon and it was painfully adorable (and of course, completely unnecessary).
- had your first haircut! While the Earleys were here we had Arrington trim the hair around your ears a bit. Sweet baby is growing up.
- love "playing" with friends. Other kids keep you entertained for a long time.
- still aren't interested in crawling. I'm not encouraging mobility.

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