Thursday, May 13, 2010

Brianna videos

... sorry I've been quite behind in posting these videos! In the past month I have had eight (8) weekend/weeknight events for work, 2 small groups meeting, a wedding shower and a baby shower at our house and spent a long weekend in Florida. All that plus the time David spends in class or working on school work hasn't left us much together time, which is really top priority for us. Thus, I've been spending every bit of down time hanging out with my sweet husband- reading, walking the dog and relaxing.

So, here are the Brianna videos from our time in Sanibel!
She didn't like to be videotaped, which was unfortunate, because we did a lot of group singing. Ha!

There is something so innocent and pure about kids at the beach...
pure bliss!

Even though all the adults look like dorks, watch this one all the way to the end... it will not disappoint.

We love her.

1 comment:

Judi said...


It's been a long day of lots of work AND training student marshals for commencement. The last videos and the sand issue made my day. I had a much needed laugh.