Wednesday, September 9, 2009

THE book sale.

David and I raced (read: crawled through Atlanta Friday-afternoon-of-a-holiday-weekend-rush-hour-traffic) to Columbus to get to the annual Atrusa book sale.

We're talking tons and tons of books, folks. My dad's guestimate is around 120,000. Yep.

My involvement with Altrusa combines two of my loves: books and organization! Though my contribution isn't very vital, I thoroughly enjoy spending an entire day sorting and re-sorting.

My shirt says "As soon as I finish this chapter"... love it! This was the story of my childhood.

David helping Dad tally up the books.

Books, books and more books! What joy!!

David and I came home with exactly 50 new books (1 was a birthday present from my bro). I've already read two of mine! I decided I was going to get on the bandwagon and read the Harry Potter books this year. I started back when the first one came out (1997! I was in 7th grade!), but got side tracked and never picked back up. So now's my time. Harry Potter- here I come!

PS- My friend Melissa is going to do some book reviews, and I just might join in. I've been keeping track of the books I've read this year (18 so far), and I plan to do an end-of-the-year review, so I might get started early. We'll see.


with love, Emily said...

This book sale looks like a place for me!!! I love to read all the time!!!

Beth said...

David looks thrilled! I want to know how many of the 50 books were his.
Oh, and the Harry Potter books are AWESOME!!!

SarahKL said...

I think it would be awesome to read your reviews. I may actually be inspired to READ! :)