Lawson, at eleven months you:
- are almost one. Jesus, take the wheel.
- are loud, wild and crazy. Jamie and Noelle came to visit for a day this week, and I don't know why it was the first time I realized just how wild you are. You kept pulling Noelle's hair and terrifying her with your ear piercing screams. We're just so used to you being like that I don't usually think much of it... but, yikes.
- have a temper. Wonder where that came from... But seriously. If you don't get what you want when you want it, you pitch fits. Already. Heaven help us.
- still love your brother best of all. The two of you play so nicely together sometimes, and other times you drive him crazy. You've already started wrestling!
- love to play peek a boo.
- are a climber, and you're just overall rough and tumble. I turned my back and you climbed onto the futon in the playroom one day! You have had SO many injuries in your little life. Another day, another bloody something over here.
- take better naps than ever before. Usually right about 9am and right about 1pm you go down, and you sleep 1.5ish hours. PTL.
- sleep great at night, sort of. I mean, you sometimes wake and cry, but I don't go in your room so it doesn't bother me much :). You put yourself back to sleep every time. You go down right at 7 usually and sleep until... a different time everyday. This week is has been increasingly later each day (6, 6:20 and 6:50 so far!). Let's hope that's a trend that keeps up.
- eat decently well, but you're becoming less of the vacuum you once were. I haven't seen any signs of more teeth yet, but you've got all the symptoms going on.
- have made it through church a few recent times, and stayed with the Jenkins once and Babu/Gamma once at home, so hopefully we're nearing the end of your clingy phase.
- put EVERYTHING IN YOUR MOUTH. Makes me crazy, kid. The end.
- don't like to be restrained in just about anything. The acrobatics you do to fight getting into the carseat is sometimes Olympic worthy... and even the stroller is often a fight.
- wake up before Crawford so you and I get some quality snuggle/play time in the play room. It's one of my favorite parts of the day, because you're such a little sweetie when you're still waking up.
- cruise all around holding on to things, and just in the last week have been standing without holding on to anything. Come on, buddy! Walking is cool! I've tried to be better about putting shoes on you, because with some added stability you're so much more confident!
You fell asleep immediately on the boat, and stayed conked out the entire time it was moving.
You LOVE Uncle Kevin, and mostly men in general.
with your first Publix cookie and when it was gone...
Lily at small group LOVES you.
two boys in Keens.
*reflections on pictures from the past month: we wear pjs a LOT. Also, you and Crawford wear the couple of matching shirts you have (navy TN, orange stripes, aqua monogrammed polos), the majorette of the time. I need to purge the rest of your stuff.
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