You say hilarious things. Some of our favorite from the past 6 months (that mostly will be hilarious to us and in context) are:
- "raisins? applesauce? ice cream?"
- "birdie! birdie! It's Crawford!"
- snow water (= sand at the beach in January)
- "come on, guys"
- "he shoots, he scores"
- "no thank you, please"
- "babu gamma"
- "peek a you"
- "no screaming on airplanes"
- "Patrick's stinky"
- "hi! I Crawford. I two!"
- "sit next to you"
- "miss stephitini"
- "oooh cool man"
- "cookie wonster"
- "too tiyit"
- "hey guy"
- "oooh, look at that"
- "don't touch the dirty penis"
- "uh oh, spegos"
- "Lawson has a baby sister"
- "ame I pway. Amen."
- "Ims Cawford"
- "couple pizzas please" (at Crust buffet)
- "don't worry, Mommy" (said with a British accent)
- "all d'board!"
- "ding way" - we have NO idea what this means. It's something construction related, but we cannot figure it out!
- when you say something is white is is actually yellow (are you color blind??)
- your own language that sounds like "dkadkadka"
- "no sleeping, Lawson!"
You pitch ridiculous fits if you don't get what you want when you want it.
You love your brother SO much, unless he looks at the toy you were about to play with, then you lose your mind.
You are the worlds pickiest eater, which I guess is my fault. (The things you will almost always eat: grilled cheese, "daddy's cereal" [organic pumpkin flax granola - yeah, go figure], chicken nuggets, pizza, beef of any kind and pretty much any fruit.)
You love trucks and cars and trains, any kind of machinery and playing outside best of all.
You have NO interest in potty training, though you completely understand the concept (you say "squeeze! poo poo on the potty! I get chocolate!"). Also, you love your new Lightning McQueen underwear, so maybe that will help.
You still use your paci in your crib, and you sleep like a champ. I'm inclined to let you keep it until you go to college.
You prefer that we always turn right out of our driveway so we can go over the "bump bumps" in the road, and you sort of freak out when we turn left.
You love to play trucks and cars, and you (just like your daddy) like to hook toys together.
You have lots of scripture memorized.
You play independently very well. I can do other things on the computer or on my sewing machine in the other room while you play peacefully in the play room.
You love to play "pages" (Melissa and Doug reusable sticker pad).
You still love all things sports: playing soccer, basketball, golf, frisbee, football.
You resist going for walks (because you'd rather stay in our yard and play with your toys), but you have lots of fun walking around the circle with us. You jump on the circles (sewer covers) and we have good chats. You always look for Mr. Duncan (who sometimes gives you water).
You have recently discovered a love for coloring with markers, and that is so fun! You can draw a line and a circle! You're starting to color inside the lines!
You have a dimple in your right cheek that makes me want to eat you up!
You love being tickled.
You try to fart every time I change your diaper, and you usually succeed.
A great quote from this summer-
"Crawford is really small, but he has big ears." - Will Christofferson