Tuesday, August 4, 2009

where'd it go?

Yesterday I came home to this:Our side yard, bulldozed.

According to our neighbor, TVA owns that property (which is under the power lines) and they clear it every few years. The brush that was there was about 8 feet tall, and really provided a ton of privacy. It is totally weird to us to be able to see Mr. Morgan's house, but we like him, so it's ok.

It is sad to me to see so much greenery gone from our street, though. They cleared the entire path under the power lines, as you can see here:

And I just thought it would be funny to include the dog pooping. Sorry for being crude.


Raynolds said...

That stinks

Anonymous said...

just discovered your blog which I found through Kari's (one entry) blog! I know Kari from when she was in the UK. Just wanted to say I love your blog and the pooping dog may be gross but is still cute.
Best wishes

Becca Rocha said...

haha raynolds. that's funny. how weird that all of your seclusion is gone!